Thursday, April 16, 2009


Listening...Oh that word very synonyms to my life as a student. This is because everyday I go to class listen to my lecturer lecture. Moreover, I also will learn something new about the all subject that I take for my Office Management course. Actually, I will be good listening if my speaker very creatively elaborate they presentation. I will be bored when the speaker just read their point from a book. They can read from the book but not the whole words in the book. This is because we as the student not the illiterate, we self can read it by our own. I not to try criticize some speaker but because I have some experienced about it. Just forget that story. This semester I very interested at the Interpersonal Communication subject. I can say that all student in my class pay attention and be good listening in this class. This is because my lecturer is very confident and have some good ideas when she want to evaluate her point. Everyone of us give a good responding to she lecture. On the friendship, I will be a good active listening. This path always happen when she tell to us about her problem. When we be a active listening, it helps us to understand what she meant. Sometimes, I also always be empathic listening, this is because I focus on feeling what that person feeling.

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