Thursday, April 23, 2009

Conflict between my sister and my brother

Every one of us have their own conflict whether it positive conflict or negative conflict. Actually I do not like conflict because it made our relationship become hostilities. I have some story that I want to share. I have a sister and older brother in my family. Both of them very closely and sometime I very jealous with them. Why I say like that? This is because my sister very caring to my brother than me. During my brother SPM, my sisters always teach him when after the school. After my brother done with him SPM, he get the result. So, my sister helps him to find the good location campus for continued he study. After find the good location, my brother got a letter that offered him to take plantation management at UiTM Campus. That course is very interesting to my family, so we ask him to accept that offer. We do not know what is in his mind on that time whether he wants to continue or not he study. He just follows all my parents say to him. He goes to UiTM and just takes one week only to survive at that campus. One day, he call my mother that he already arrive at Miri and saying that he do not want to study, he just want to find some job. When my sister heard that news she become very angry to my brother. Then, from that the conflict between them begins until now can not be solving they conflict. Now both of they like I win, you lose in my family. I as a younger sister very upset with them behavior.

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