Thursday, February 5, 2009


Honeymoon3...everyone of us has they on experience of honeymoon. But the word of honeymoon not only for the couple of married. This is because I'm as single person also has this experience of honeymoon in my life. The honeymoon word starting exist in my dictionary life when I'm in form four student at my secondary school. On that time, I was feel so happy because I got the science class. Almost everyday I'm prays to be the science student in my school and lastly I really got that class. When I came that class I looked my classmates just doing they own work likes read the novel, playing they own handphone,talking to others and do not pay attention to the teacher that teaching in front of their. First my impression is I'm was shocked because my teacher does not care about he or she student at that time. She or he just teaching and give some exercise to all of us.But not all us behavior likes that because some student from my class very takes seriously about they studies and always asking the question to my teacher. My behavior on that time are not really good and not really bad student. Why I telling myself like that because when my teacher teaching I listen what they talking about and when they give some homework I do it with very well but I not the student that study hard or study smart, I'm just likes the other students. Besides that, when in the exam I'm just get pass marks not the higher marks. Example, I'm always get 50-60 marks in my class. That is my story at secondary school. However, in university, I also honeymoon at first semester because I do not know the real university life and now I was regret and I do not want to repeated my mistake again. Let is be my bad experience and now I want to begin my new life and get lot of good experience in my life.

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